︎ programas
Nesta seção, são apresentadas as parcerias que Lastro tem realizado
com diversos espaços e instituições. A plataforma tem o desejo de manter suas
ações em contínuo movimento, criando uma maior aproximação com públicos locais
e consequentes trocas que possam desdobrar em novas parcerias. Em geral, Lastro
atua junto às instituições propondo programações de acordo com suas diretrizes
e repertórios, intercambiando com o foco de ação cultural do espaço que abriga
as atividades da plataforma. Essa vertente do projeto teve início em 2011 com
ocupações e programações pontuais, como o ciclo Lastro NE, estabelecendo
desde 2015 parcerias e ações mais prolongadas, como Permuta, Lastro
na Oswald e Lastro na Casa 1.
︎ programs
In this section, we present the partnerships that Lastro has been realizing with several spaces and institutions. The platform seeks to keep its actions in continuous movement, creating a greater approximation with local publics, and subsequent exchanges that can develop into new partnerships. In general, Lastro acts alongside institutions, proposing programs according to their guidelines and directory, and exchanges with the type of cultural action that the space that is hosting the platform’s activities tends to focus on. This component of the project began in 2011, with occupations and specific programs, such as the Lastro NE cycle, establishing, since 2015, longer actions, such as Permuta, Lastro na Oswald, and Casa 1.
︎ programs
In this section, we present the partnerships that Lastro has been realizing with several spaces and institutions. The platform seeks to keep its actions in continuous movement, creating a greater approximation with local publics, and subsequent exchanges that can develop into new partnerships. In general, Lastro acts alongside institutions, proposing programs according to their guidelines and directory, and exchanges with the type of cultural action that the space that is hosting the platform’s activities tends to focus on. This component of the project began in 2011, with occupations and specific programs, such as the Lastro NE cycle, establishing, since 2015, longer actions, such as Permuta, Lastro na Oswald, and Casa 1.
︎ 2017-2018
lastro no al janiah
lastro no al janiah